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Securing data

Manage access to data using client authentication and backend functionality

Now that we have set up authentication, we can use our Squid backend project to start securing our data. Both read and write operations be can be secured using the @secureCollection and @secureDatabase decorators from the Squid Backend SDK.

To begin

Navigate to the generated example-service.ts file and add the following function:

Backend code
type User = { id: string; email: string; age: number };

export class ExampleService extends SquidService {
@secureCollection('users', 'read')
secureUsersRead(context: QueryContext<User>): boolean {
/** Checks whether the user is authenticated */
return this.isAuthenticated();

Deploy the changes to your backend project using the Squid CLI:

squid deploy --apiKey YOUR_API_KEY --environmentId TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_ID

A client that will try reading data from the users collection will have to be authenticated in order to access the data.

Client code
// This function will throw an error if the user is not authenticated
async function readUsers(squid: Squid): Promise<User[]> {
return await squid.collection<Users>('users').query().snapshot();

If the client is not authenticated, any attempt to read data from the users collection will result in an Error with these details:

"statusCode": 401,
"message": "UNAUTHORIZED"

What's going on here?

This is where Squid as a "middle tier" comes into play. Now that we've deployed our security function, whenever a client makes a query using squid.collection('users').query, the secureUsersRead function will be called before any data is returned.

If the function returns true, the user is able to access the data, but if the function returns false, the user will be considered unauthorized, and the request will fail. The isAuthenticated call is a built-in Squid Backend SDK utility function that checks for the presence of a valid auth ID token (which we set in the previous step). If the token is not present, the request will fail.

The above is just one example of how you can secure your data by writing backend functions in Squid. By following these steps, you'll be able to create a secure backend that authorizes user actions.